

I've long been intrigued by Arcology at Arcosanti.
Northern California's eco-architecture innovator Sim van der Ryn's architectural autobiography Design for Life is not to be missed.

Earthships creator Mike Reynolds has explained that even with the wild, extraterrestrial looking shapes of his early work, over time the essence becomes undeniable: the building has to function, has to work, is inevitably made up of systems and subsystems that need structural elements to perform tasks that take care of us who live and work inside.
Meanwhile, vertical farms have come under scrutiny in terms of whether they pencil out or not on the bottom line. It's intriguing to think we can grow food way up high in dense cities if we plan and build for doing so, but can we.
Richard Cook, of Cook+Fox, talks about being in buildings that are essentially seamless with their natural surroundings, so that we don't have to feel harsh separation from nature while also being sheltered from its harsher elements.
Early eco-architecture often focused on energy efficiency so much that it may have neglected to also include the beauty that is in the eye of the beholder, the aesthetic that gives us comfort and delight as much as natural heating and cooling.
Meanwhile, Frank Gehry's had headaches with buildings that have leaked, with controversies about whether this has been due to the design or the construction. And some have complained that Gehry's Guggenheim Museum is such a work of art that it distracts attention from the art that it houses; or is that a compliment.
Form and function, natural shapes and effective systems, are intriguing and challenging when viewing Architecture As Ecology.
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